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Find Your Spark: How to Make Time for Your Passion

I’ve got two questions for you.

Question one, what is that one thing in your life that when you do it, you feel totally energised and alive and get that real sense of vitality?

Question two, how long has it been since you’ve prioritised some time to actually do it?


As our lives become increasingly busy and filled with responsibilities, it can be easy to forget about the things that truly make us come alive. We get caught up in the daily grind and before we know it, we’ve lost touch with the activities that once brought us joy and vitality. However, prioritizing time for these passions is crucial to our overall wellbeing and happiness.

Ask yourself, what is that one activity in your life that brings you a sense of renewal and rejuvenation? Maybe it’s hiking, painting, cooking, or dancing. Whatever it may be, it’s important to make time for it in your life. When we engage in activities that energize and revitalize us, we are able to reconnect with our inner vitality and sense of purpose.

So, how can you prioritize these activities in your busy schedule? It may require some intentional planning and discipline, but the benefits are well worth it. Start by setting aside a specific time each week to dedicate to your passion. This could mean waking up early to go for a hike before work, or blocking off an evening each week to attend a dance class. Make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule, just like you would a doctor’s appointment or work meeting.

Additionally, it’s important to approach these activities with a sense of mindfulness and presence. When we are fully engaged in the activity, we are able to fully reap the benefits. Rather than rushing through a painting session or scrolling through your phone during a hike, try to be fully present in the moment and engage with your passion on a deeper level.


By prioritizing time for the activities that bring us joy and vitality, we are able to improve our overall wellbeing and happiness. We are more energized, more creative, and more connected to our inner selves. So, take some time to reflect on what brings you true joy and make a commitment to prioritize it in your life. You won’t regret it.

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